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Tenant Census 2024

Complete our census to help us understand you better.

Click here to complete the census.

Our tenant census makes sure the information we have about you is correct. As your landlord, we can deliver a better service if we understand your needs and have up-to-date information. We are also required to ensure that your household information is accurate, relevant and regularly updated.

You can also complete the census by scanning the QR code below.

Accurate information plays an important part in shaping and delivering all our services both now and in the future, and it means that we can make sure that our service delivery, communication and information is tailored according to tenants' needs. 

Examples of what we will use your information for include:

  • Providing information in your required language and telephoning or texting instead of sending letters.
  • Ensuring that we are using up to date communication methods, based on your needs, to communicate with you.
  • Providing large print letters where requested and printed or electronic copies of our communications as needed.

If you require access to the census in an alternative format such as braille, or a larger font, or are unable to complete the census digitally and would like a paper version, please email

The census is available to complete now and will be open until Sunday 10th November. 

As a thank you for completing the census, all will be entered into a prize draw to win one of 7 vouchers, valued from £25 up to £100. Click here for full Terms and Conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you doing a census?

The census makes sure that the information we have about you is correct. As your landlord, we can deliver a better service if we understand your needs and have up-to-date information. We are also required to ensure that your household information is accurate, relevant and regularly updated.

Why is it important for you to know who lives in my home?

To provide the best tailored services and support, understanding household residents is crucial for adapting your home to your changing needs.

How long will the census take to complete?

The census will take about 15 minutes to complete.

How will my data be managed?

All personal information submitted is only to be used in line with our privacy policy and is not given to any third parties. Saffron Housing collects and manages personal data to provide housing services to tenant communities, ensuring reliability and security. We take the protection and management of your personal data seriously. More details on data protection can be found on our website, under the ‘Quick links’ section at the bottom of any page.

Why do you need to know my ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity?

Understanding tenant equality, diversity, and inclusion profiles helps to ensure our services meet diverse needs, ensuring fairness and accessibility for all.

How can I find my Tenant ID or Tenancy Type?

This information is included on the letter or email we have sent you, however if you no do not have this information available, please contact us at or call us on 01508 532000 and we can provide you with your tenant ID and tenancy type.


How do I enter the prize draw?

You will automatically be entered into the prize draw when you complete the census. Winners will be selected at random, and the winners will be contacted by Saffron Housing Trust to claim their prize. For full terms and conditions please click here.