If your repair is an emergency (a flood, total loss of power, blocked sewer, loss of heating, or the property needs securing) please call our 24 hour service on 01508 532000. If you have a gas leak or smell gas call the National Gas Emergency Number straight away on 0800 111 999.

Emergency repairs - if you have an out-of-hours emergency repair, you can call our 24-hour number on 01508 532000.

Our emergency team will carry out essential work within 24 hours to stop the situation from becoming worse, such as turning off a faulty appliance and making it safe. We will aim to carry out any other repair work on the following working day. 

Some emergency repairs include:

  • Total loss of power
  • Severe storm damage
  • Blocked sewers
  • The property needs securing
  • Flooding, including major plumbing faults
  • Total loss of heating – at certain times of the year and for vulnerable tenants (temporary heating may be supplied)
Call to report an emergency repair
Other ways you can report a repair
  • Call the Customer Contact Team on 01508 532000 (select option 4) between 8.45am and 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.45am to 4.15pm on Friday. The person taking your call will ask questions to try to find out exactly what the problem is. The more information you can give us, the better chance we have of completing your repair first-time.
  • Our busier periods are all day Monday and between 8.45am and 10.30am each working day. Therefore, if your request for a repair is not urgent, please try contacting us later in the day.
  • If you want to speak to us about a heating repair call 01508 532000 (select option 2).
  • Did you know we have a ‘queuebuster’ call back system? After 60 seconds of waiting to speak to an advisor you are given the option for a call back, which will hold your space in the queue and save you waiting on the phone.
  • Email info@saffronhousing.co.uk.
  • Speak to your Neighbourhood Officer or any other member of staff who is visiting your home.
  • Write to us at Saffron Housing Trust, Saffron Barn, Swan Lane, Long Stratton, NR15 2XP for non-urgent repairs.

For more information, view our How to Report a Repair Help Sheet at the bottom of the page.

Repair responsibilities and response times

The priority we give your repair will depend on how urgent it is:

  • Emergencies – 24 hours (for heating emergency repairs we have a 48 hour response time during the summer months - April to October) 
  • Urgent repairs – 5 working days
  • Routine repairs – 20 working days
  • Planned maintenance – 6 months

To read more about our repair responsibilities, those you are responsible for and examples of repairs in each priority view our Repair Responsibilities Help Sheet at the bottom of the page.

Useful documents

Repair Responsibilities Tenant Help Sheet

pdf - 1959Kb

How To Report A Repair Tenant Help Sheet

pdf - 1393Kb

If you need the above information in a different format such as an accessible PDF or braille, email info@saffronhousing.co.uk or call 01508 532000.

We also offer INTRAN, which provides interpreting and translation services for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or who do not have English as a first language. To arrange support with INTRAN please contact a member of the Customer Contact Team on 01508 532000 or at info@saffronhousing.co.uk. Find out more by clicking here.