Find out more about service charges here

Pexels Miten Patel 353611 963580

Your Charges

If you rent a home from Saffron Housing Trust you are charged a weekly rent, and you may also be charged a service and/or a personal charge. All residents are notified of their charges every February.

•    Service charges are an amount charged for communal or shared services to a building, scheme, estate, or surrounding area.

•    Personal charges are for services provided to your individual property for things such as heating your individual home, or for wellbeing services in our independent community living schemes.

If you are charged for service charges and/or personal charges you will receive notification of what we spent in the previous year in a communication called, ‘Actual Accounts’. The information for 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 has been sent. 

Should you have any questions, or if you are unsure whether this information is relevant to you, please call 01508 532 000, or email: 

•    For payment or account enquires please email:

•    For enquires about the service charges or personal charges please email: 


Terrance Houses In A Row With Flower Trellis

Your Frequently Asked Questions about the ‘Actual Accounts’ letter

Why have I received an ‘Actual Accounts’ letter?

In line with the terms of your tenancy agreement, lease or deed, Saffron as your Landlord is required to provide you with a report detailing the costs incurred for services each year. This letter explains those charges and how any difference between the costs we estimated, and the actual spend will be added to your account.

What are 'Estimated Costs'?

Each year we estimate how much we think each service will cost for the year ahead (1st April to 31st March). This information is then used to calculate the service charges and personal charges. Tenants are notified of these charges in the Rent and Charges notification letter sent in February each year. The new charges take effect each April.

What are 'Actual Costs'?

At the end of each financial year (1st April to 31st March), Saffron calculates what we spent during the year; this could be more or less than we estimated. We could, for example, use less electricity than estimated so the costs are lower, or we might need to undertake additional ground maintenance work making the costs higher.

Are service charges and personal charges covered by Housing Benefit and Universal Credit?

If you are in receipt of full Housing Benefit or Universal Credit you can claim for service charge costs, but not the cost of personal charges.

Why is my service charge different to that of my neighbour?

The charges you pay for will vary depending on the services provided to your building or estate. Homeowners will also pay for some different charges based on their lease such as building insurance.

I am a tenant. What happens if there is a difference between the estimated and the actual costs of providing the service?

If the actual costs of providing the services are less than the estimated costs, it is an underspend. This means the credit will be used to reduce your charges for 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026.

If the actual costs of providing the services are more than the estimated costs, then it is an overspend. This means this additional cost will be collected as part of your charges for 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026 and will be included within the weekly calculations of your estimated charges from April 2025.

You do not need to pay the overspend now, therefore please continue to pay as per your current payment arrangement. Should you wish to change the current arrangement please contact the income team on 01508 532 000 or by email to:




I am a Homeowner. What happens if there is a difference between the estimated and the actual costs of providing the service?

If the actual costs of providing the services are less than we estimated, it is an underspend. This means a credit will be applied to your account with us.

If the actual costs of providing the services are more than we estimated, it is an overspend. This means an additional charge will be applied to your account with us to cover the difference. If you pay by Direct Debit, your Direct Debit will automatically be amended to pay the additional charge. To pay by Direct Debit or a credit card please call 01508 532 000 and ensure you have your 16-digit allpay reference number when you call to make a payment.  Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer, please ensure you quote your account reference.

Sort Code: 20-65-82

Account No: 50137545

If you wish to spread the cost of your service charges or set up a Direct Debit, please do not hesitate to contact our Income Team to discuss any payment arrangements you wish to make on 01508 532000 or email


More information

If you wish to learn more about service charges, please see our Service Charges leaflet below.


Service Charges PDF

pdf - 173Kb