What is Together with Tenants

The National Housing Federation works with housing associations in England. Their aim is to make sure that everyone can live in a good quality home that they can afford.

They have created a scheme called Together with Tenants and this is something that all registered providers of social housing, like us, can adopt with the aim of improving the relationship that we have with  tenants and residents (by residents we mean, Leaseholders, Shared Owners, and Licensees).  

We believe this is a valuable initiative and we are one of 130 early adopter organisations to commit to the scheme, which includes a four-point plan. Download the plan here

The Together with Tenants Charter sets out in clear terms what tenants and residents can and should expect from their landlord. Download the charter here

If you would like to help us improve our services and also tell us if we are meeting the Together with Tenants commitments please sign up to become a Saffron Community Member by clicking here

If you require some assistance to sign up, contact the Tenants and Communities Team by emailing getinvolved@saffronhousing.co.uk.

We look forward to hearing from you!

With our Tenant Scrutiny and Tenant Support and Communication Groups we checked ourselves against the Together with Tenant commitments.

Click here to read our report.
Group Of Mixed People Waving With Colourful Spots around

If you need the above information in a different format such as an accessible PDF or braille, email info@saffronhousing.co.uk or call 01508 532000. 

We also offer INTRAN, which provides interpreting and translation services for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or who do not have English as a first language. To arrange support with INTRAN please contact a member of the Customer Contact Team on 01508 532000 or at info@saffronhousing.co.uk. Find out more by clicking here.