Eligibility for Shared Ownership

The Right to Shared Ownership enables tenants to purchase a share ranging from 10% to 75% of the equity in their qualifying rented home. To be eligible for this program, your home must have been provided under the Affordable Homes Programme 2021-2026 and you must have lived in social housing for a minimum of three years, with at least one year spent in your current property.

If you are a tenant of Saffron Housing Trust Limited, eligibility for this scheme is not expected until 2025 at the earliest.

There are 2 government schemes that may enable you to purchase your home at a discounted rate. These are: 
  • Right to Buy (Preserved) 

    You may be eligible to purchase your home through Right to Buy if you have previously held a tenancy with South Norfolk District Council. With effect from 21st November 2024, the discount amount is a maximum of £34,000. 



  • Right to Acquire 

    If you did not hold a tenancy with South Norfolk District Council and have been a tenant for more than 2 years, you may be eligible to purchase your home through the Right to Acquire. The current discount amount in Norfolk and Suffolk is £9,000. 

Next steps 

There is more information about the Right to Buy and Right to Acquire schemes in the guides and booklets at the bottom of the page. Or you can contact our Homeownership Team by emailing homeownership@saffronhousing.co.ukor calling 01508 502339.

If you would like to buy your home, please complete an application form (found at the bottom of the page) and return it by post to: Homeownership Team, Saffron Housing Trust, Saffron Barn, Swan Lane, Long Stratton, Norwich, NR15 2XP. 

Selling your home 

If you have previously bought your home from us through either the Right to Buy or Right to Acquire Scheme and you are considering selling your home, there are some things which you need to consider. 

If you are looking to sell within the first 10 years since you became a homeowner, you will need to offer the property back to us before you advertise it on the open market. 

If you sell your property within the first 5 years, you will need to repay the discounted amount back. The discount repayment amount is as follows: 

  • 80% of the discount in the second year 
  • 60% of the discount in the third year 
  • 40% of the discount in the fourth year 
  • 20% of the discount in the fifth year 

The amount of discount you would need to repay will depend on the value of your home at the point of sale. For more information, please see our guide below.  

Useful documents

Right to Acquire Application Form

pdf - 219Kb

Right to Buy Application Form

pdf - 418Kb

The Right to Shared Ownership Application Form

pdf - 222Kb

The Right to Shared Ownership a Guide For Tenants

pdf - 160Kb

RTB Summary Booklet 2024

pdf - 3056Kb

Your Right To Buy Your Home A Guide 2024

pdf - 551Kb

Right To Buy Statutory Notice

pdf - 160Kb