You can make a complaint in a number of ways: 

The Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS), a free, independent and impartial service who are set up by law to look at complaints about housing organisations, can also be contacted at any time for advice, whether you have an open complaint or not. To visit the HOS website click here.  

Make Things Right

Everyone deserves a home that is safe, secure, and well maintained.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has recently launched a new campaign called ‘Make Things Right’.

They have written to all social housing landlords, including Saffron, to ask for their support in promoting the campaign which aims to improve the quality of social housing by making sure tenants are aware of their rights and know how to complain.

As your landlord, we are responsible for fixing issues, including damp and mould, leaks, broken locks or changes you need to your home if you are disabled.

We can also help with Anti-Social Behaviour, like noisy neighbours.

It is important you know the steps to take to get an issue fixed.

Step 1. Report it to Saffron. Then, if it is not fixed...

Step 2. Complain through Saffron’s complaint process, and if you’re not happy with the final response from your landlord...

Step 3. Escalate your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman.

Advice about contacting the Housing Ombudsman

The Housing Ombudsman is impartial, will investigate fairly and can order us to take action.

Once the Housing Ombudsman has ruled against a landlord, they must show they are taking action within 6-8 weeks.

Last year, the Housing Ombudsman ordered landlords to pay over £1m in compensation to residents.

For more information about your rights, please visit the government’s website by clicking here.

What to expect

  • Blue Online Of Phone, Pink Outline Of Email, Orange Outline Of Laptop. Green Outline Of Mobile, Purple Outline Of Website

    We can receive a service feedback request in the following ways:

    - Online 
    - Email
    - Phone
    - Letter
    - Social media

  • A Speech Bubble With Two Arrows Pointing Each Way

    Rapid resolution

    We will offer a rapid resolution where we can resolve issues “there and then”. Even if we resolve your concerns at this early stage with just a few convenient and timely actions, we will capture your feedback so we can learn and improve our services.

    For more complex cases it is more appropriate that they are investigated at stage 1 of our complaint procedure. If we can’t find a rapid resolution we will escalate your concerns to stage 1.

  • Green Background With White Magnifying Glass

    Stage 1

    Our independent Complaints Team will investigate and respond to your concerns in writing. In normal circumstances we will respond to your complaint within 10 working days from the date the complaint is acknowledged.

  • Blue Background With Laptop And Online Document In White Outline

    Stage 2

    If you do not think we have resolved your complaint at stage 1 it can be escalated to stage 2. The complaint will be assigned to a manager who has not previously being involved in the complaint and they will provide you with Saffron’s final response within 20 working days of the stage 2 acknowledgment date. Another manager will be assigned to independently review the complaint and provide their findings to the lead investigator for inclusion in the stage 2 response.

  • Housing Ombudsman Service Written in Blue And Grey

    Housing Ombudsman Service

    If you remain unhappy with our handling of your complaint it can be referred to the Housing Ombudsman Service for their review and adjudication. You can do this as soon as we have sent you a complaint closure letter; the HOS can be contacted at any time for advice.

Our compliments and complaints policy has recently been reviewed and amended to ensure compliance with the Housing Ombudsman Service’s Complaint Handling Code, 2024. The revised policy incorporates all changes to the 2024 Complaints Handling Code and a self-assessment against the new policy has been completed confirming the new policy as compliant. The new complaints and compliments policy will be uploaded to our website shortly and the Complaints and Feedback Team are administrating complaints in line with the new code requirements. 

How we deal with complaints 

Every year, or when we make any changes to our complaints procedure, we are required to complete and publish a Self-Assessment against the Housing Ombudsman's Code of Conduct

Click here for our most recent self-assessment completed in March 2024.

We want to make the complaint process easy to access and hassle free. That is why our staff are trained emphasising the key principles of good complaint handling; to make sure we capture feedback consistently and most importantly, to demonstrate that we are learning from complaints.  

Complaint outcomes

We always like to hear from tenants and gaining their feedback allows us to see where we are doing things well or perhaps where we can improve.

We have some feedback from complaints we have received and the actions we have taken as a result.

Find out more

Our record 

Here are the average number of working days we have taken to respond to all complaints. 

Our target is to respond within 10 working days. 

  • 6.6 days

    April to June 2023

  • 10 days

    July to September 2023

  • 6.8 days

    October to December 2023

  • 8.4 days

    January to March 2024

Useful documents

Annual Complaints Report 2023 2024

pdf - 3534Kb

Complaint Handling Code Self Assessment

pdf - 219Kb

Governing Body Response

pdf - 175Kb

Complaints and Compliments Policy June 2024

pdf - 205Kb

If you need the above information in a different format such as an accessible PDF or braille, email or call 01508 532000.

We also offer INTRAN, which provides interpreting and translation services for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or who do not have English as a first language. To arrange support with INTRAN please contact a member of the Customer Contact Team on 01508 532000 or at Find out more by clicking here.