Saffron Housing Trust to plant 20 community fruit trees to celebrate 20th anniversary 


Saffron Staff, Local Councillors And Local Residents Plant Fruit Trees In Wymondham

Saffron is planting an orchard of 20 fruit trees in Wymondham, in celebration of our 20th anniversary this year.

Saffron turned 20 on Friday 17th May, and from the early days when we took over 4,345 homes from South Norfolk Council, our organisation now manages 6,815 social and affordable homes throughout East Anglia.

Saffron staff and South Norfolk Cllrs Lucy Nixon and Suzanne Nuri-Nixon are planting the orchard in response to food poverty, a need for shade in the area, and environmental concerns. 

Alongside local residents, they planted the first 11 trees at Silfield Avenue playground in February, and residents will be welcome to the apples, pears, cherries, and plums.

Any food that has been left at the end of each season will be donated to the local food bank. 

Cllr Nixon said: “We thought if we actually plant fruit trees, not only are they providing shade, increasing biodiversity and all the other things that we know are great, but they are also going to provide a source of food and it’s going to be fresh fruit that the kids that come and play here could come and pick.”

The local community will be responsible for maintaining the trees, with help from Saffron staff.

Elisabeth Ross, Saffron’s Neighbourhood Officer for Wymondham, is looking forward to seeing how the trees bring people together. 

She said: “I think it’s brilliant because it’s going to give the local community access to free fruit. It’s a proper community project and it will be left with the community to maintain, even though we will be supporting them in this.”

We are hoping to plant 9 more trees in the next year. If you live in Wymondham and want to see an orchard in your area, contact Elisabeth at: